Wow, I can’t believe it’s been an entire year since last May
when I was heading off to Mexico for the first time! I just got back to
Monterrey on Sunday (6 days ago) for my second field season for my PhD. I’ll
fill you in on that in a bit, but first there are a couple things I've been wanting to blog about but with prepping for Mexico, finishing classes, etc. just didn't get around to.
First up: back in April I participated in the first meeting of the new-binational
Nivalis Conservation Network, a group of researchers, non-profit organizations, and government agencies from both the US and Mexico dedicated to the conservation
of the Mexican long-nosed bat (
nivalis), the species that I am focusing on for my PhD dissertation. The
group was formed back in October 2015 during the North American Symposium on
Bat Research, and as one of the founding members I helped plan and coordinate
the Austin meeting in April. 18 people attended the meeting, covering the
entire migratory range of the species from central Mexico to the southwest US,
from places such as Bat Conservation International, the US Fish and Wildlife
Service, and several US and Mexican universities. We spent two jam-packed days
working together to identify the current state of knowledge of the species and
the research, conservation, and education priorities in each of the main
regions of the migratory range (central Mexico, northeast Mexico and Texas, and
Arizona and New Mexico). Since the Mexican long-nosed bat is a long-distance
migrator (with the females and some males migrating over 1000 km between the
mating sites in the south and the breeding caves in the north), the
conservation of the species requires a coordinated effort among actors in both
the US and Mexico. This meeting was the beginning of that, and I’m really
looking forward to continuing to be a part of this group through my
dissertation research and beyond. And I have to take a minute to recognize Bat
Conservation International for their support of my research through a BCI Small
Grant. Without their funding support I would not have been able to return to
Mexico this summer to continue my work from last year. So THANK YOU to BCI!
Thousands (up to 1 million in peak summer months) of Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) emerge from under the Congress Avenue Bridge in Austin, TX. These bats are GREAT for controlling pests that harm some of our major agricultural crops, including corn, cotton, soybeans, and pecans.
After an exhilarating bat emergence!